quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011

Joaninhas 3D

by Jordan Barie.

Styrofoam balls from craft stores
Red fabric
Dressmaking Pins OR Hot Glue Gun
Black self-adhesive black felt
Pipe cleaners for antennae.

1. Cut the styrofoam balls in half using a saw or sharp kitchen knife.
2. Using a plate or other flat round object, trace a circle on the red fabric making sure it’s large enough to cover the dome of the body.
3. Cut out your circles and start wrapping your ladybird body pinning on opposite sides to start with. You could also use a hot glue gun to secure the fabric on the under side.
4. Fold and ease the fabric underneath with as few visible gathers as possible.
5. Cut a circle out of the felt for the head and stick on and wrap one edge underneath
6. Cut a strip of felt for the center of the ladybug’s wings, and dots for her spots.
7. Stick all felt onto the red bodies.
8. Cut the black pipe cleaners in half and curl one end. Insert into the top of the ladybird for antennae.

DONE! Watch them craw up the wall and get in place for the party!.

Tip: You can make large ladybirds like I did here, or imagine tiny little ones for button holes… or add a magnet and stick to the fridge as a DIY favor for the guests to take home!

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